Its-All-Al's Business Carrd

Alistair (or just Al) here, and here is a list of what you can see from me and where I am most likely to post my art and any potential projects!There's also the commission button in case anyone is interested in purchasing my work.

Terms of Service

1.) I must first receive money before I begin working on your commission.This means that payment is upfront.----------2.) Works in progress (or WIPs) will be shown occassionally for the commissioners approval and to update them on progress.-----------3.) The time it may take for your commission to be completed may take up to around a little over a month at maximum, namely if the piece ordered is large or more detailed.----------4.) During the WIP process, you may ask for one free large change to be made (outfits, characters, backgrounds, etc) for free, any other large changes following this will require an extra payment (half of the original piece's price). The large changes are not allowed after the project is finished.Small changes, however, (coloring, marking, etc) are free and are allowed after the commission is finished.----------5.) I have the right to deny any commission, especially if it promotes hateful behavior, anti-LGBTQ+ themes, racism, etc.----------6.) A visual reference of the character is required.No matter how poor or well done it is, created in a dollmaker or not. Even if you only provide me with a color palette, clothes and a variety of pictures to help describe their appearance. Anything helps.----------7.) I will draw humans, humanoids, ferals, anthros, mecha, robots, old people, fat characters, monsters, NSFW, etc.----------8.) Tell me what you'd like the background to be. The options will be: transparent, solid color, gradient or simple. These are all free.However, detailed or complex backgrounds cost extra, depending on what you want done.----------9.) You must give me a means to contact you so that we may discuss details of the commission, WIPs, etc. (Discord will be easiest for me but I also will communicate via Deviantart, Twitter, etc. if that's better for you.)---10.) I hold the rights to the finished product and therefore I can promote myself in any place or site with the art.----------11.) The commissioner is allowed to:- Use the artwork for personal circumstances.
- Print the art and claim the right to the character(s) but not the artwork in itself.
- Use the art to promote themself and their character, all so long as credit is rooted back to me.
----------12.) The commissioner is NOT permitted to:- Remove any watermark or signature I put into place. (ALTHOUGH, they may request that I make a copy without the watermark, so long as I am still credited in some form.)
- Alter or photoshop the artwork without my consent.
- Sell or reuse my work for profit.
----------13.) With commercial rights you are allowed to make any sort of merch with the artwork.Use it as a cover, a poster, a prop, within a book, etc.You may change the commission to your liking with commercial rights, HOWEVER credit is still required for usage of the commission, altered or not.----------For further information on my rules for attaining copyright usage for my work, please click on the bust icon below.
To continue onto the commission prices and examples, click the paintbrush icon.
To formally order a commission, click the folder icon.

(Click on any of the images on this page to view the art in better quality.)At the bottom of the page is a link to a Google Form. Fill out this form to properly order your commission.

Bust Art

Flat Bust: $20
Shaded Bust: $22

Extra Character(s) : +$12 each

Full Body Art

Flat Full Body : $35Shaded Full Body: $38

Extra Character(s) : +$25 each

Chibi Art

Flat Chibi: $20
Shaded Chibi: $22
Lineless Chibi: $35

Extra Character(s) :
+$12 for each lined chibi
+$20 for each lineless chibi

Scenic Art

Below is something I'm still new to, scenic art, but I still take great pride in what I've been able to do so far.
Prices here vary greatly in comparison to what you've seen and read so far.
In fact, prices are bumped here because art in this manner is more complex, so the extra money is my time going into this work to make it as stellar as possible.

(Like mentioned at the top of the page, click on this image to see it in better quality. Highly recommended for this image in specific since it's such a large piece.)

Scene : $40 - $200 on scenery alone, dependent on complexity and detail.

Character Close-Up : $25

Extra Character(s) : +$15 each

Full Body Character : $40

Extra Character(s) : +$25 each

Now that you've witnessed everything there is to see so far, fill out the form at the bottom and I'll respond to you as soon as possible!